how it all works

Learner Accounts for students

Our Learning Management System (LMS) tracks student enrollment, purchase history, and learning progress under an individual student profile. This means that parents must enroll each child separately. One student per learner account. 

To enroll, each student must have his own valid email account. Free email accounts can be set up through providers such as Gmail, Yahoo! mail, or to name a few. Free email accounts are also typically included when you subscribe to an Internet Service Provider such as Shaw, Telus or Rogers.

How do I create a new learner Account

To Log In. you must create a new account. There are two ways to accomplish this:

The first way is to connect with one of your social network accounts. It’s the easiest way by far since you don’t need to remember yet another password. To login, click on the button corresponding to the social network you prefer to use and follow the process. You will be asked to confirm your email address, so make sure that you provide a valid email.
The second option is to use your email. Click on the Create Account button that can be found in the login form.
Fill out the registration form.
  • your name
  • valid email
  • desired password
  • Click on the Start your learning journey button.
That’s it. You now have access to our online school.

How to log into Junior Think Tank Academy with an existing account?

If you’ve used a social account (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) to enroll then all you need to do is click on the Sign in button.
If you’ve used your email to enroll then fill in your e-mail and password. Click Login.
That’s it! You now have access to our online school.

Problems Logging in to Junior Think Tank Academy?

First of all, make sure both the e-mail and password are correct (for security reasons our error message doesn’t explicitly reference whether you made a mistake in your email or password. This is deliberate to make it harder for malicious individuals to guess any account details). If you are still having problems, it might be that have forgotten your password. In this case, you can simply ask for a new one to be sent out to you. Click on Forgot your password?
Type the email that corresponds to your account and click Send. An email will be sent to you with a link for setting a new password for your account. If you don’t see the email appearing in your Inbox, make sure to also check the spam folder as it may have been accidentally caught by your email's spam filter. If this is the case then make sure to identify this message as "Not spam," so that you don’t lose any future correspondence from Junior Think Tank Academy.

There are two kinds of lessons, the free ones and the ones you have to buy.

If the lesson you want to enroll in is free, just click on the lesson button and you will have full access to the content. If the lesson you want to enroll is not free, click on "Enroll" button (the payment information will be available) and follow the checkout process. When you finish, the module contents will unlock for you.

How can I Edit/Insert my account details (Profile Picture, Biography, Locations etc)

When logged in, click on the Go to profile button that you can find at the top left position of the main menu. This will lead you to your profile page.
There, click on the edit button to change your name or email. 

How can I change my password?

Changing the password can be done from the login form (you have to be logged out). Go to the login form and click on the Forgot your password? 
Insert the email of your account and click Send.
You will soon receive an email containing a link for resetting your password. If you don’t receive this email after a few minutes, please check the spam folder of your email account as the reset email may have accidentally been held up by your spam filter.

How do I exit from the School?

If you want to log out, simply click the Sign out option that can be found at the top-left menu.

I purchased a module. How do I access it?

If you have already purchased a module, you have full access to the content. Alternately, you can access the starting page of your school. The modules you have purchased will appear in the module catalogue. By clicking on a module card, you will be directed to its contents.  You must be signed in to access your purchased content.

How do I download module content?

Module content is not downloadable or available offline.

How do I contact the module instructor?

To contact an instructor,  click the Ask Instructors option that can be found on the top left menu.

How do I navigate inside a module?

Once you access a module, you will find a full table of contents on the left-hand side of the screen. Browse through the sections and access the learning unit that you would like to study. In most cases, it is best to follow the linear module order starting with Lesson 1. In the future, you can always revisit any lesson you wish. Note that each lesson activity that you have completed is marked with a discrete check mark .

Do I have to be online at a specific time to take a module?

No, you can take your module whenever you want. The module remains online around the clock. All you need is internet access and a fairly new browser.

Can I take more than one module at a time?

It is possible, but not recommended. Concentrate your efforts on one module then move on to the next.

What Browsers are Supported?

We support the latest versions of all well-known browsers. For optimal studying experience, we recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Can I take the modules on my iPad or tablet?

Of course, you can. This online school is fully responsive in all kinds of electronic devices.

Can I take the modules on my iPhone or smartphone?

Of course, you can. This online school is fully responsive on all kinds of mobile devices. For an optimal experience, you can use the mobile version of Google Chrome if your device supports it.

Is Internet Access Required?

Internet access is required since all of the module contents are online.  We also recommend using a broadband internet connection, especially when you have to go through video content.

Recommended Technology

Just a broadband internet connection and the latest version of your favorite browser.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Major credit card accepted. 

How do I cancel a module?

For cancelling a module enrollment, please contact  Please read through the Terms and Conditions first to determine if you are eligible.

Troubleshoot issues with Video

Our video player automatically adjusts the video to the highest quality based on your internet speed. However,  in certain cases, very slow connections might not make it possible. If you’re experiencing excessive buffering during playback, it’s probably because your internet connection cannot support continuous playback of the video. In this case, try to reset your connection/internet router, or if possible, try accessing your online modules using a better internet connection.

You may also want to try one of the following:
- Close extra browser tabs or other applications that may be using up your bandwidth. 
- Make sure you’re using the latest version of your browser.

What will you do with my e-mail address?

Your e-mail address is your key to our school. It is fully safe with us and we will use it only to communicate with you if necessary.  Please see Privacy Policy for more information.

Does access to my paid modules expire?

No. Modules with limited time access say so clearly on the module description boxes. 

Can I sample a module or lesson before deciding to purchase a module?

Module 1 has 2 free lessons that you can complete before you make a purchase.  Module and lesson delivery is consistent throughout the curriculum so you should have a good idea of the program layout and features.

How do I know that you have received my order?

Once your payment has been successfully processed, your module will be immediately accessible to you. If the module hasn’t unlocked despite you payment going through, please contact us at info@jrthinktank

How soon will I get access to my modules?

You will get access to your module(s) immediately after your make an online purchase (or when you have been manually enrolled by the instructor).

Are there prerequisites for the modules or lessons?

Module 1 is a pre-requisite for all subsequent modules as they are rolled out.

How do I access a modules that I have completed?

You can access your lessons anytime simply by logging into the platform and visiting the module page.  The modules you have purchased always appear first in the school’s module catalogue.  Your purchased modules will be fully available until they expire.

Where is the invoice for the module I just bought?

You can find fully detailed invoices for all the modules you have purchased in the Account page, which can be found by accessing the menu of on the top-left corner of the school page.

I was given a discount coupon to this school. How can I use it to buy a module with discount?

Buying a module with a discount coupon is not much different from our normal checkout process.

1) Go to the module page for which you have a coupon and click Enroll.
2) You will be directed to the Enroll in module page. 
3) Type your coupon code in the textbox  and click Redeem
4) The discount will be automatically calculated in the final price.
5) You can now finalize the purchase process by clicking on the Buy button