Online Canadian Social Studies Program for grades 5 - 9
Greetings from the great white north
Dear Parents,
Are you like us? Over the years, have you become increasingly uncomfortable with the “approved” curriculum being sanctioned by our educational institutions? Year after year we watched as elected provincial governments took turns “improving” the curriculum merely to garner the same result. Whatever the panel of experts decided to implement, the worldview being propped up has only served to increase the instances of student depression and anxiety.
Waiting for the government and educational institutions to fix the system was never an option for us, so we got down to work and developed our own Social Studies curriculum. Fortunately, we didn’t have to start from scratch. Lively drew on her teaching background to target the problem areas. We have not abandoned nor rewritten the established canon. Instead, we took the established canon and placed the foundation of a child’s worldview – the family - back in its rightful place. The building block of society is the family. The family unit is who has cared for each child from before he or she was born to the present day. Therefore, it stands to reason that when a child is attempting to make sense of the world around him, he does not look first to the government or the school for answers. Rather he looks to the people who know him best – his family.